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How to suggest the room

You can make a suggestion about the alternative date and alternative room available to the guest. So the guest may make a reservation again as your suggestion.

1 Suggest the alternative date available or alternative room

Once you declined the booking due to the room is not available or already booked from other channels. Please make sure to suggest the alternative available date to the guest. (The date that the room will be available again)

  1. Respond the booking as “Reservation Declined

2. Select the reason of decline as “Sorry, Reservations for this date are already closed”

3. Please write the alternative date in the text box or alternative room

(the date that the room which guest requested will be available again)

(There is another room available for this period please check this link (your accommodation room link)

4. Click “Unavailable date” to update the calendar. To prevent the guest makes the booking with the same date again.



2 How to get the link of the room

You can get the link of your room not only for suggestion to the guest once you declined the booking but also to send for suggestion through DM or other channels.

  1. Go to the “Listings” 

  2. Select the room that you would like to suggest to the guest and click “View Accommodation Sale Screen”

  3. Copy the link of your room in URL

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