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Q: How does the booking process work? A: Please click read more to see the booking process

Q: What should I do if a guest cancels after confirmation? A: In case of a guest cancellation after confirmation, Liveanywhere provides support through our cancellation policies and the fees will be handled accordingly.

Q: What should I do if guests want to extend their stay? A: If a guest need to modify or extend their booking schedule: - If the booking is still in the request status, please inform to the guest to cancel the previous booking and request with the changed date again. - If the booking is already confirmed, please inform the guest to contact our customer experience team for assistance.

Q: How can I receive alerts about bookings and direct messages? A: The alearts of the booking will be usually sent to you via the SMS and email that you registered with Liveanywhere. For DM aleart please download Liveanywhere Application

Q: Where can I contact if I encounter problems with my booking? A: If you encounter problems with your booking, you can reach out to us via the following channels based on your host location: - Thai hosts: Please contact us through Line Official Account. - Korean hosts: Please contact us through Kakao Talk. - Indonesian and Malaysian hosts:Please contact us through WhatsApp.

Q: What should I do if a guest wants to change their booking schedule? A: If a guest requests to change their booking schedule, first check if the new schedule is available. If it is, process the payment and update the schedule through LiveAnywhere. Alternatively, you can guide the guest to contact LiveAnywhere Customer Support for assistance. If the change isn’t possible, politely inform the guest that the requested change cannot be accommodated. 💡 Tip: Always double-check availability before confirming any changes to avoid miscommunication.

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